About Us

Association “Edu for you”


“Edu for You” Association is an NGO which has the role of developing educational and cultural activities, of promoting and supporting education, of encouraging socialisation, creativity, free speech, etc., of training and education of the  youth, developing them culturally and socially, taking into account the European rules.

“Edu for You” Association is a new organisation that appeared due to the need of the nowadays society of education youth from an early age.

All the fields of interest of our association are the fields that need to be improved in our society. It offers quality in all these fields and equality of chances for all the youth in the area, in accordance with their cultural, social and professional wishes.

Our organisation receives youth of interest in accordance with the requirements of the labour market, at regional and local level.

A large number of youth coming to our association come from rural areas (80%), with social and financial needs, with one or both parents left to work abroad. A small number of students (3%) have special educational needs: mental, visual, physical.


The NGO has teachers and other collaborators well prepared from a professional point of view. They try to compensate the social economic disadvantage of the youth belonging to poor families, with unemployed parents or poor level of education. The teachers have experience and have the first degree in education and 1 of them has PhD.

A good quality of cultural and educational activities is accompanied by partnerships between our association and other organisations and schools where the youth do practical training. The NGO has a good relationship with the local community developing a serious of actions in the field of education.

“Edu for You” Association wants to be a competitive organisation, recognized by the local community and wants to offer an environment conducive to mental, professional and moral development of the youth and to help to their insertion in the labour market. Liberal concepts compel organisation to let youth have the right to choose. The relevant to our youth’ development are freedom of expression and freedom of thought.